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Rev. Donald & Virginia Brooks

Rev. Donald A. Brooks or "DB" as he is so passionately called by his closest family, was born in Hampton, VA. Donald journeyed to Atlanta, GA in 1980. In his efforts to get acclimated with a new city and life, Donald settled in at St. Martin Spiritual Church under the Leadership of Ruby Viola Melville and Frederick Melville. There he also met his wife of more than 30years, Virginia Welch Brooks. After becoming involved in many of the church functions and passionately seeking the truth, the church leadership decided to name Donald as the Assistant Pastor. After the passing of the then Pastor Rev. Lester Shingles. Donald took the reins and began leading the flock, helping others to discover the truths he has found.

Donald Brooks

Virginia Brooks

Donald Brooks

Pastor, St. Martin Spiritual Church


There are times when we really want to lash out at people, denounce them and blame them for something that did not go well. In these days and times compassion is needed more than ever. We must realize that people, given their circumstances  do the best that they know how. The scripture says in Romans 8:38-39  nothing can separate us from the love of God.  No matter what some one has done or neglected to do, we must look for understanding. For if they really knew what was best for them, that is what they would do. Love has no conditions therefore we must love unconditionally.

Love always in all your ways

Virginia Brooks

First Lady, St. Martin Spiritual Church



It is imperative that you prevent any sort of substitute from becoming first place in your life. Fill your life with true, living God, not a phony substitute. 


You can tell what is important to you simply by examining how you spend your time. If you are spending so much time trying to make money that you don't spend any quality time with God, then wealth is more important to you than God. Likewise, if you are always spending time with friends and don't have any time to spend with God then your social life is more important to you than God. 


How you use your time is so important, because you can either invest it or waste it. However, if you waste your time, you'll never get it back. On the other hand, if you invest your time into forming a deep, close, personal relationship with God, then you will reap the rewards of such an investment for the rest of eternity. 


Decide to put God first in your life: spend significant, quality, personal time with Him. Put the first, most important thing (God) first place in your life.



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